Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

Christmas morning we woke up to about 2 feet of snow!!! And it is still snowing today !! We had a great Christmas and hope everyone else did too!!!

We were planning on going to a movie before we took Austin home yesterday but the snow had different ideas!! We dug snow for two hours and when I say we I mean Travis and Austin!!!

This Christmas Holiday was great! The first family party was with Travis's family and it was great fun. Santa was there to hear all the fun stuff they wanted. Savannah sat on his lap with her eyes rolling she asked him for a few things. This is so sad I hate that she is growing up! But I am glad we have had a lot of fun Santa stories!!

The next party was the traditional the wagon-horse ride through the lights at Thanksgiving Point!! This year was a lot of fun usually my dad rents the wagon and they charge him per person. This year they just charged one flat price for the whole wagon. So we got to invite some of our friends with us!!

We then spent Christmas eve at Travis's parents. We played games, shared stories, and baked cookies for Santa!!

1 comment:

Shay said...

I cannot believe all that snow...I guess I have forgotton how much Utah actually gets! I am sure the shoveling isn't too much fun...but playing in it sounds great! I am glad you guys had a fun Xmas! The wagon ride sound like a lot of fun!