Monday, December 8, 2008

Our busy weekend!

On Friday Savannah and I went to my mom's and set up her snowman, or should I say snow giant!! It is over 12 feet tall, Savannah thought it was so awesome and she kept telling everyone about it and that is was 12 feet tall! Later that day Savannah had her first cheer performance of the season, this is one was a parents performance basically just a a glorified dress rehearsal for the competitions coming this weekend and next Monday!! She did awesome! She was invited to do a solo again this year so we are so proud of her!! And of course as I am getting everything ready I could not find any batteries for my camera. I will take plenty this Saturday though!!

Saturday Travis and I had some training to go to and a Christmas party.
Travis and I had a great day. We also won a xbox 360 from the Christmas party so that was great!!
We topped the night off with a little WII bowling and of course I won!! \

Sunday Savannah was ready to cook, so we all went to the store and got stuff to make brownies and cookies. So Travis and Savannah baked the goodies while I cooked steak for dinner. It all turned out great and we ate way to much!! It was a great weekend.

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