Monday, October 27, 2008


Ha ha no we did not move again!! PHEW!! My in-laws did and being the perfect kids that we are went and helped yesterday! Travis and I made a pack and signed in blood hehe, that the next time we move, we will pay to have it done for us! So moving is bad enough they bought Travis's sisters house, but my sister-in-law has not moved out. They are still looking for that just right house. While we were out in Payson helping move, we went and looked at a couple of houses with them. It was funny to see the faces when we all unloaded to see the houses there was 12 of us!! It was good fun for me I love looking at houses as long as I am not the one buying! Overall great fun!!

1 comment:

Shay said...

Jason and I said the same thing...we will have someone move for us. The U-haul experience driving to AZ was the longest trip ever!