Thursday, July 31, 2008

Travis and Joy

This is a wonderful part in my life!! Meeting my husband and my best friend. I mentioned this a little bit in another entry.
We meet on memorial day weekend in 1996 in Lake Powell, Arizona. We hit it off right from the start you know the old saying "it felt like we had known each forever"! The only problem that I saw was that he was living in Arizona and I was in Utah. The week after we meet he flew in and took me on our first official date. This was during the summer and I hated to wear shoes. So I would always just throw them in my car. Before our date Travis called and said to wear nice clothes. Okay no problem until I got there and went to put on my shoes and they were two different colors!! So on our first date he had to buy me shoes just so we could go to dinner. He still doesn't let me forget that. We spent most of the weekend together and then he had to fly back for work. The next week we spent hours on the phone. He then invited me out to Arizona the next weekend and much to every ones disapproval I drove out to see him. Once I got there I fell in love with the area and with Travis I ended up staying there and did not go back home. Another time in life were I am sure I put quite a few gray hairs on my parents!!
We were married two years later almost to the date. For the first few years we lived all over Utah and Arizona. We then settled and bought our first home together in American Fork, we had many memories in that home. That would also be the first home of our daughter Savannah Lynn born on March 20, 2000. What a great blessing she has been. She is a perfect mix of Travis and I. You know how parents always say I hope you have a child just like you. My mother tells me all the time I never wished that on you, you were such a hand full! Well guess what we got it!
She is our little go getter. The other day I told her "Savannah you need to act like a little girl" She said " but mom I am a tom boy." Travis spit his drink all over and couldn't quit laughing.
Travis and I have had some pretty hard times together, the hardest his when he broke his shoulder and couldn't work for two years. All though this was one of harder times in life it helped us as a couple and as friends to pull together and get closer than we had ever been.
We have also had very great times together as well. We have had many fun vacations together. As a single couple and as a family.
As a family we enjoy a lot of different activities. We enjoy everything the outdoors have to offer. We usually spend a lot of time out on the lake but on our last trip to Lake Powell in October of '07 we hit a spike rock in the middle of the channel. Which is very odd because the water in the channel is very deep at some points 500 feet plus. We then immediately starting taking on water. So we had to call search and rescue over the radio. They told us they didn't know if they could get to us before dark and said we would have to try to get to shore and stay the night. Well the only problem is we had 6 other people with us and a 18 month old baby. Long story short they ended up coming to get us and taking us back to the house boat. By the time they got to us it was pitch black out with no moon. They loaded us in there speed boat and we all had to sit up front because the engines were so loud they would cause hearing damage. We all huddled together and headed out. This experience was a rush going on a speed boat at 60 mph in pitch black with the captain just going of his GPS no lights. Wow is all I can say. We were able to save our boat from sinking but have not fixed it yet. So this summer I am going through boating withdrawals.
The other main activity in our lives is four wheeling we started out just riding in the mountains. But then we went to the sand dunes and haven't been back to mountains since. Travis spent many days as a teenager at the "dunes" and is loving be able to do it again! We all have our own bikes even Savannah who got her first one right after her 4th birthday. This child gives me panic attacks when I watch her she has no fear. And will follow her dad anywhere. I have to yell at Travis don't go up that when she is watching or she will follow you. Travis rebuilt one of his banshees into a drag bike and wow is it fast and pretty.
There are many other things we do as a family and know that I have started this I hope to keep up with our events!!
I love writing about the things we do as a family it makes me remember how grateful I am for them. It also reminds me how great life is!!

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