I have debated about writing about this, and then I keep thinking about other blogs I read and realized this blog is a release for me. A journal of my family and the events that go along with it. Some of those are happenings not things I have chosen. Since my emotions are still going strong I figured it was time to write them down. Who knows maybe someday Savannah or Austin may read about this and learn something.
Last Sunday we had a wonderful day! The sun was shining (finally) and we enjoyed the day at Boondocks riding the go carts and playing mini golf (which I kicked everyones butt). It was one of those days that was just a good family day! We got home ate dinner and we were just winding down. I started to feel some symptoms I have had a couple of times before. I quickly pulled Travis into the bathroom to see if there was a rash starting. He said there was nothing, by this time I knew it was the same thing before. An allergic reaction to something, the other two times this happened we narrowed down to stage smoke or fog what ever you call it. But this time I had been no where near it. Almost instantly my skin felt like it was on fire. Not just on my arm or in one place but from my head to my toes. The pain was so intense, Travis quickly gave me Benadryl and started rubbing me down with benadryl lotion. The time frame to this point is maybe 5 minutes. Now my skin is bright red like a sunburn all over red and white blisters forming every where my eyes and my lips where so swollen. Travis was talking to me telling me it had to be the shrimp that we had for dinner and agreed and we both realized that was another in common on the two prior reactions. So after a cold bath Travis got me out tryiIng to get me to our bed at this point details to me are a little fuzzy but Travis has shared them with me. I remember thinking Oh I just want to sit down, and down I went then my thoughts went from maybe I will just go to sleep for a mintute to I think I could go now and things would be okay. Then I remember hearing Travis' voice I couldn't make out what he was saying to me and then all the sudden I heard him yelling at me "Joy don't do this! Quit being such a girl and knock it off" I remenber just staring at him in a daze of don't do what and why are you yelling at me?! Then he said "come on Joy stay with me!" He then got me to bed and I started to feel like things were getting better.
It was a rough few days but because of quick thinking and his ability to handle it all I am here. This was the first time in my life that I had ever had the feeling that I could just go, but I wasn't ready and I didn't want to. My purpose on life is not complete THANK GOODNESS.
My neighbor is a nurse practitioner and got me some meds, and also told me because of Travis' quick thinking and handling things calmly is the reason I am still here. Travis has told me some more of the details that I don't remeber and it just brings me to tears. I think he thinks I am a little crazy, but just simple little every day things brings me to tears. He will hug or kiss me and I will just start to cry. I am so thankful to be able to still experience life and just get so overwhelmed by emotions. I am not much of a cryer so it has been a little difficult to control all of these emotions. A couple nights ago we were laying in bed and Travis told me he loved me and I just lost it non stop tears just started flowing. He asked me what was wrong and I said nothing just thankful for it all!
So now again that my eyes are blurred with tears, thinking of my wonderful life, my children, and my hero that I so luckily also call my best friend and my husband. Realize how quickly it all can change.
To my wonderful husband Travis thank you a million times over. You are the best and I love you more than you know !!
My life quote for me is "Thankful For It All"