Friday, February 27, 2009

Woo Hoo!!! The Roller Coaster Has Started!!

So it has been a long time!! We have been super busy!!
Savannah had another cheer comp! She received first!! We are so excited for her she is doing Awesome!!! Her Team took 2ND!! They are so fun to watch!! I did take a lot of pics so I will post them soon as well! She is off track right now so that also throws my life and schedule for a loop!! We have been painting her room, and that has been a lot of fun. I forgot to take before pics but I will take pics of the finished project and post them!!

Travis is so swamped with work, it is fun to see him so busy!! But it is also hard to have him gone so much!! He took me out to dinner for valentines which was nice we went with his sister Christy and her husband Garret. Garret hadn't seen our house yet so they came up our way!!
Travis took me to lunch for birthday again I also enjoyed that!!
The Johnson's had a birthday party for me and my two brother-in-laws Garret and Ryan! Our birthdays are all in Feb. so that makes it easy.

We had a lot of ups and downs this month but that is what makes life so fun right?!! We are holding on and getting ready for the ride!!

1 comment:

Shay said...

Happy late Birthday! I have been wondering where you have been! Sounds like you guys have been crazy busy! Congrats to Savannah for taking first place...that is soooo awesome. Wow, cheerleading has changed since I was one in Highschool(Way...back in the day)!