Sunday, November 30, 2008


This year we stayed home for Thanksgiving. The last two years we have went to California. We went to my parents first, it was nice our cousin Emily joined our insanity!!! We did miss Tom, who is serving our country!! The rest of our immediate family was there. We then went to my in-laws. All of our immediate family was there for that. We enjoyed eating way to much and playing games. It was a great day! I am so thankful for all of our family we love them all, no matter how crazy they all are!


Shay said...

I am glad guys had a good time! Happy Thanksgiving!

Shay said...

BTW what is your "dreams to reality" link. I clicked on it and it wouldn't let me look....Now I'm really curious.

Joy said...

Glad you had some family with you and that you had a good Thanksgiving too! The dreams to reality is my inspirational blog. My daily reminder of what I have, what I have worked for, and what I am working for. I needed something to keep me in check and help me not take life for granted.

Julia said...

Hi Joy, this is Julia Dial, your cousin in case you've forgotten me b/c I haven't seen you in FOREVER!! I'm glad I found your blog. Talk to you later!

Joy said...

Hi Julia, no I did not forget who you were!! It has been awhile, hope all is well! I am glad you found my blog!!

Joy said...

Julia, Oh btw do you have a blog?