Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Summer 2008

Savannah does several dance performances during the summer this year she did a mini High School Musical
This is Savannah singing her solo part in her dance there song was Hey Mickey

Savannah, Brittany,and Jennifer in Aspen, Colorado

This summer has been quite busy for our family. Travis has quit his job and has started three new businesses. For all of you who know Travis this is NOT a shocker! Travis loves a constant challenge and when he feels he has conquered the challenge he goes on to find a bigger and harder one!

Myself, I have been keeping up with all the day to day activities that come along with the new challenges ! Getting Savannah to all of her things. And enjoying all the things summer has to offer.

Austin is getting ready to go into high school this year and has enjoyed doing some football camps.

Savannah has done several summer dance performances. She was in a mini production of High School Musical 2. And has kept super busy with her competition cheer team. They were in 4 different parades this summer and she really enjoyed that, I got to drive the little girls in my truck and enjoy the air conditioning! She has done a cheer camp and a dance camp this summer. She is now getting ready to start 3rd grade on the 18th of August. She has also loved helping Travis Jr with the ice cream business.

Travis Jr. is helping Travis run our ice cream business and is working really hard. He has also signed up to start some classes in the next week or so. He has been also working hard at finding some friends. We all laughed at him the other morning while going on our walk he was complaining on how cold it was. Which was maybe 60 degrees. Just wait till winter and we will show him what cold is really about!!

This summer we have not traveled like we normally do. We went to Las Vegas for Travis Jr. graduation. We spent the Fourth of July in Aspen Colorado that was a blast. We went up with Ben and LuRae and there girls. The three girls lived in the pool the whole time we were there!!
We have also had some fun bbq's, playing in the water, and listening to Travis' band. We have a trip planned to Park City Aug 2nd and are really looking forward to doing the new Alpine coaster, and the good ole Alpine slide and the zip lines!!

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