Thursday, January 8, 2009

More Pictures

These pictures I took from my back door!!
My goal for this year is to take more pictures and post more pictures with my blog! So that is my silly reasoning for the IPOD pictures!! ENJOY!

Out With Old In With The New!!!

My IPOD has been acting up on me and not holding a charge!! So I knew I had bought a replacment plan, but knowing how it goes I figured it had run out yesterday!!! I took it in and WOO HOO it was still active. So I got me a new IPOD which kinda made me sick that it was so outdated but thankful because the prices had dropped so much I got to upgrade!!! So now I am charging it and adding my new audible books I just got. Just so you know my IPOS is my life saver I listen to books all day long while I am home by myself. I love this little gadget!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


We have had a blast with all of this snow!! Savannah and Travis went out first and I stayed at home to get some house work done after all of the Christmas craziness!! But the next day I got to go with them! So I got some fun pics! We have a lot of parks in the city we live in so we went to a few different ones!

First Party For 2009!!

We were invited to my friend Mandy's house this year for a New Years Day Party!! It was a blast her fiiend Trisha bought all of the girls fuzzy cute socks! Thanks Trisha!! Then we played some fun games again another late night!!

New Years !!!

This year was a lot of fun we had a big party at Cameron and Jaime's!! We had so much food and of course I ate way to much but hey I just added a few pounds to that New Years resolution!!! The kids had a lot of fun. The band even played the guitar hero world tour haha !!! That was funny they got booed off a couple of times!! I forgot my camera so no pics!!! I could of got a lot of them to, we stayed there until 4 A.M. and all the kids stayed awake the entire time!! So Happy New Years to evreyone!!!